Friends of the Oakland Fox

FOOF Mission Statement
The Mission of FOOF is to preserve and sustain the historic Fox Oakland Theater as a cultural resource, arts and education facility. Working in concert with similar cultural and economic organizations locally and regionally, FOOF will help to ensure that this key asset attracts visitors, good marketing for the City of Oakland and continues to contribute to the sustainability of the Uptown.
Our bold vision for the Fox Theater is now a reality.
After closing its doors in 1966, the Fox Theater re-opened in February of 2009. The $75mm multi-use renovation project features a state-of-the-art theater with flexible capacity from 1,500 to 2,800. The multiple seating configurations include general admission, cabaret style seating, and reserved seating.
The theater itself now serves as the flagship live music venue for Another Planet Entertainment, well known for bringing outstanding live entertainment to the Greek Theatre, The Independent, Paramount Theatre, Oracle Arena and other popular Bay Area venues. Another Planet Entertainment also produces both the Outside Lands Music & Arts Festival and Treasure Island Music Festival.
The theater's wrap around building is the permanent home for the Oakland School for the Arts, a tuition-free charter school dedicated to artistic and academic excellence. The Fox Theater is located in the absolute demographic center of the Bay Area (population 7.5 million). The Theater is the centerpiece of the revitalized Uptown District section of Oakland that features fine dining, a thriving nightlife, and 2,000 new residential development units.
The Fox Theater is located within a half block of BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) and only a 12-minute train ride from San Francisco and a 9-minute train ride from Berkeley. The Fox Theater, The Greek Theatre at U.C. Berkeley, and Oracle Arena in Oakland lie within 6 miles of each other.